Discover Longmont Magazine

Now Mailing to over 40,000 Homes & Businesses in Longmont

Best Rates

Discover Longmont Magazine is Very Affordable. We have the Best rates on Direct Mail in Town. A wide range of ad sizes can accommodate any budget!
Local Advertisers
All our ads are locally based businesses that have Brick and Mortar locations in town or service the area from in town or close by.
20 Years Experience
With over 20 years of Direct Mail Experience in the Longmont Market. We can help you grow your business and advise you on what works best for what your goals are..

About Us

Discover Longmont Magazine has over 20 years of history, and showcases the unique aspects of the community. We highlight local businesses, events, and non-profits, providing valuable insights for residents and visitors. Our diverse content covers services, dining, wellness, discounts, and event listings. We support local businesses and foster community engagement. As a bridge between the community and its residents, we offer services, dining, entertainment, and wellness, ensuring that our readers can actively participate in and contribute to the local economy and culture. Discover Longmont Magazine will continue to keep Longmont residents engaged by connecting them to the vibrant community and businesses around them.”

Service Area

Our mailing service area covers the city of Longmont and its surrounding neighborhoods, ensuring that our content reaches residents, businesses, and visitors who have a keen interest in exploring and staying up-to-date with all things Longmont.


Longmont is split into 2 zones, and our magazine is printed monthly, mailing to 20,000 homes and businesses each month. This targeted distribution allows us to deliver captivating features, insightful articles, engaging interviews, stunning photography, upcoming events, and more directly to our readers within the community.

Digital Magazine

Zone A

August ’24 – September ’24

Zone B

September ’24 – October ’24

Contact Us!

If you are interested in advertising, have an event or something the residents of Longmont should know, please reach out with an email or phone call.

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